Right now I'm trying to plan dinners with 3 people who couldn't come to my holiday potluck, Comic Book Guy and his wife (her grandpa died a few days before the party, and she had to go to Florida for the funeral) and Big D (who was working that night). Also, Big D turns 30 next week, so a home-cooked dinner is going to be my birthday present to him. I'm thinking of making pork chops for both dinners, partly because I like pork chops and partly because they're extremely easy to prepare. One of my favorite ways to cook chops is to dip them in a mixture of honey and Dijon mustard, coat them with bread crumbs and finely ground pecans, and bake them. They turn out tasty and juicy every time--it's foolproof. For side dishes, I'm thinking of chili-roasted sweet potatoes (a recipe that's in the latest issue of Everyday Food) and a green vegetable or salad. For dessert, I think I'll make chocolate mousse for Comic Book Guy and his wife, because the wife loves chocolate. For Big D, I might experiment (he doesn't mind being a guinea pig) and make gingerbread waffles and serve them with homemade ice cream. If you don't already have an ice cream maker, you should get one. Homemade ice cream is easy to make but extremely impressive (and it tastes 10 times better than the stuff you buy in the store). Your guests will worship you if you serve them homemade ice cream. Trust me.