My knitting group met for the first time in 3 weeks last night. Because of the holidays, illness, and travel, our group hasn't met regularly since last November. This time, only 2 of the women could attend, but that was enough for me. Since there are 5 of us, 3 is a quorum.
I had agreed to host our meeting at my place, so I made a spice pound cake. It's an adaptation of the spice pound cake recipe in Mark Bittmann's "How to Cook Everything." I think I've mentioned before that I think a lot of his recipes are too bland, and this was no exception. I retained the allspice and cloves, but instead of using dried ground ginger, I used fresh ginger and also added some Saigon cinnamon, which is hotter than regular cinnamon. The Saigon cinnamon gave it a kick without being too hot. The cake turned out well, and both of the ladies really liked it.
I actually made the cake on Sunday and froze it. I was traveling on Monday and yesterday and knew that I wouldn't have time to do anything when I got back, so I wanted something I could do ahead of time. Pound cake is the perfect solution for such dilemmas, because, if it is wrapped properly, it will keep in the freezer for up to 2 weeks, with no loss of flavor or texture. Pound cake is also great for breakfast. In fact, I ate a big slice this morning and will probably eat it again tomorrow. Pound cake--is there anything it can't do?
I had agreed to host our meeting at my place, so I made a spice pound cake. It's an adaptation of the spice pound cake recipe in Mark Bittmann's "How to Cook Everything." I think I've mentioned before that I think a lot of his recipes are too bland, and this was no exception. I retained the allspice and cloves, but instead of using dried ground ginger, I used fresh ginger and also added some Saigon cinnamon, which is hotter than regular cinnamon. The Saigon cinnamon gave it a kick without being too hot. The cake turned out well, and both of the ladies really liked it.
I actually made the cake on Sunday and froze it. I was traveling on Monday and yesterday and knew that I wouldn't have time to do anything when I got back, so I wanted something I could do ahead of time. Pound cake is the perfect solution for such dilemmas, because, if it is wrapped properly, it will keep in the freezer for up to 2 weeks, with no loss of flavor or texture. Pound cake is also great for breakfast. In fact, I ate a big slice this morning and will probably eat it again tomorrow. Pound cake--is there anything it can't do?