
Just got done placing my Peapod order for Saturday. With all the party items I ordered, it's going to be my most expensive order yet, but it's worth it not to have to chop vegetables (I ordered a veggie tray and a fruit tray) or carry bottles of wine and soda up 2 flights of stairs. At the moment, I have 14 guests (counting kids). That number may increase or decrease over the next few days, but I decided to go ahead and order extra stuff, just in case. Most of it can be frozen for future use, if I don't need it on Saturday. Anyway, now all I have left is to clean my filthy apartment and bake some cookies before 1:00 on Saturday.


just me said…
Wish I could be there - eat a ton of that peppered salami for me! :-)
Foxy Knitter said…
D: Yeah, I heard that tale, too. One of these days I'm going to ask her why she's so stingy with her car.

JM: I couldn't find that salami at Peapod this time! Good thing I saved a roll in the freezer from my last party.