The Evites Have Been Unleashed

I sent the evites for my next wine and cheese party on Friday. So far, I've gotten a good response. I think it'll be about the same as it has been before--8 to 10 people. I'm hoping for yet another successful gathering.

Just Me was here this weekend. I didn't cook much except breakfast this morning--blueberry/buttermilk pancakes, bacon, and eggs. It was some good eatin', iffen I do say so myself.

This evening I made chicken soup with rice and froze the leftovers for the coming week. I probably should've made one more dish, but I didn't feel like it. We were out late last night. *yawn*

Sorry for the short, fragmented post. I've got tons of emails to catch up on. Have a good week!


Foxy Knitter said…
It was!
just me said…
The breakfast was fantastic, and so was the ice cream!
Foxy Knitter said…
I'm glad you liked it, JM. I use your visits as an excuse to eat a calorie-laden breakfast. ;-)
Foxy Knitter said…
That sounds amazing! I've got that faraway look of bliss on my face right now.