Falling Down on the Job

I didn't cook this weekend as I should have. Saturday Queen B invited me to spend the day with her and the kids. She cooked a fabulous birthday dinner for me, complete with a decadent chocolate cake with an apricot filling and chocolate glaze for the frosting. I ate waaaay to much and neary made myself sick. Oh, she also mixed a killer sidecar for me. The woman knows her old-fashioned cocktails! Yesterday I was just too tired and disorganized to do any serious cooking. I did make some curried couscous with cauliflower, pine nuts, and golden raisins. I also baked some pork chops. I think I'll make pasta tonight--even after a day at work, I can handle pasta. But I don't know what I'll do the rest of the week. Eating scrambled eggs for dinner will be my penance for being disorganized and lazy.
