The Only Thing Better Than Pork Tenderloin... pork tenderloin wrapped in bacon. I cooked lunch for a couple of friends on Saturday, and that's what I made. First, I sliced some garlic very thinly. Then I made some cuts all over the tenderloin and put the garlic slices inside. Finally, I wrapped the whole thing in bacon and roasted it. If there's anything better than pork tenderloin wrapped in bacon, I don't want to know about it. I made peas-n-parmesan cheese risotto for a side dish and strawberry ice cream for dessert. Both of my guests were extremely appreciative. And now I get to eat the yummy leftovers for dessert!


Daibh said…
I hear ya on the tenderloin + bacon. I've done it, myself, and it's heavenly.
Foxy Knitter said…
HA! I knew if anybody had done it, it would be you. ;-)
Daibh said…
I blame America's Test Kitchen; they did a recipe with that, and it was a mind-blower, man. I was like Pork Tenderloin + Bacon?? (cue Cream's "Sunshine of Your Love" and me spinning around to psychedelic montage sequence), ala Simpsons).
Foxy Knitter said…
HAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA! I'd heard of it before but just didn't dare indulge in such decadence by myself. I'm too young to have a heart attack. ;-)