Flowers and Fruits and Veggies, Oh My!

For your viewing pleasure, a couple of shots from recent farmers' markets at Daley Plaza.

I haven't bought any flowers yet, but these peonies were just lovely in the early morning sunlight. (You can see salsas in the background.)

The Michigan strawberries have been phenomenal this year, so I had to include a picture of them.

The guy who mans that particular stand is very cute, too, but I was too shy to ask him to pose for the picture, so all you see is the side of his face.


Zig and Lou said…

If you have plans to go to the 45th/Cottage Farmers Market we could arrange to meet you there to give you the Z&H bag swag.
Zig and Lou said…
As of now, July 13th looks good. I have been told that the QCDC is going to be distributing our bags this weekend to some 'lucky' people, but we will get one in your hands on the 13th.