Cooking as a Spectator Sport

There's an interesting, and sad, article by Michael Pollan in yesterday's New York Times about the decline of home cooking. Can you believe that just heating something in a microwave is now considered "cooking"? I dunno. This just depresses me. Yes, once in a while I'm busy and tired, and I'm not ashamed to buy something premade or frozen at the grocery story, but in general, I cook for myself--and by "cooking" I mean actually cutting up raw ingredients, not opening boxes or cans--because that's what my parents did. It makes me sad to think of a generation growing up without that knowledge of how to feed oneself. Cooking is fun and it gives you control over what you eat. You DON'T have to live at the mercy of the food industry. You can fight back and be an active producer, not a passive consumer. And how do you do that? By cooking at home and teaching your kids to do the same. It takes effort and discipline, but the results are worth it, especially when you consider that home-cooked food tastes better and is better for you. I could go on about this for days, but I won't. Instead, I'll urge you to read Michael Pollan's article and to think about what you eat and whether you'd prefer to eat something you prepare yourself or something that's manufactured in a factory.
