Usually I eat a very healthy breakfast of oatmeal with dried fruit and low-fat milk, but on Sundays, I like to give myself a treat. This week, I made waffles with raspberry-blueberry sauce with some bacon on the side.

The berry sauce looks somewhat lurid in the photo, but believe me: it tasted amazing. I've posted a recipe for blueberry sauce here before (, and the only difference this time is that I added fresh raspberries to the mix. For the waffles, I used Mark Bittman's recipe for overnight waffles. They have yeast in them and you let the batter rise overnight in the fridge, so they're reminiscent of fresh yeast donuts. Try it, you'll like it!

The berry sauce looks somewhat lurid in the photo, but believe me: it tasted amazing. I've posted a recipe for blueberry sauce here before (, and the only difference this time is that I added fresh raspberries to the mix. For the waffles, I used Mark Bittman's recipe for overnight waffles. They have yeast in them and you let the batter rise overnight in the fridge, so they're reminiscent of fresh yeast donuts. Try it, you'll like it!