A Time-Saving Tip from Your Hostess

Whenever I plan a party or dinner, one of the aspects I enjoy the most is flipping through my cookbooks looking for dishes to serve. After I pick one, I write down the name of the dish and also make a note of the name of the cookbook and the page number on which the recipe is found. That way, when it comes time to cook, I don't have to scramble around looking for the recipe again. I learned this organizational lesson the hard way; trust me, it's no fun wasting half an hour on party day looking for the recipe for the main course. Also, as I choose the recipes, I make a list of all the ingredients required, so that the grocery list is ready long before I need it. Being organized makes the whole process much less stressful, so I think it's well worth the effort.


Foxy Knitter said…
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH! Yeah, I do that when I'm planning menus for myself each week. Otherwise, I'm standing there holding an eggplant and wondering what it was I intended to do with it. ;-)