Party Planning

Earlier this week, one of the guys at work decided to organize an after-work outing to Mi Tierra Restaurant for dinner and margaritas. The ensuing volley of e-mails was just hilarious. We couldn't find one Friday evening that was mutually acceptable for all 4 of us until late March. So we've decided to go out on a Monday, hangovers be damned. The problems my co-worker encountered are all too familiar to a veteran hostess. It's a classic illustration of one of the Dilbert Principles: It's statistically impossible to schedule an event for >3 people and get 100% attendance. In my experience, that principle is always true. I've hosted a lot of parties, and I've never had better than 55% attendance. So, keeping the Dilbert Principle in mind, I always make sure to invite double the number of people I actually want.

For example, for the first holiday open house I ever hosted, I invited >100 people, assuming that 30 or 40 would show up in shifts throughout the afternoon and evening. A friend of mine was seriously freaked out when I told her how many people I invited. She kept saying, "But what if they all show up? You don't have room for them! You can't feed them all! You don't know for sure that people won't come!" (She worries a lot.) And I kept saying, "That can never happen. It is statistically impossible. Someone will be sick. Someone's kid will be sick. Someone's car will break down. Someone will have a prior engagment. Someone will have to work that day. I'm not worried about it." She did not believe me, but I was right. Thirty-six people showed up, but I never had more than 15 people in the apartment at once, so it never got overly crowded. And it was a damned fine party, if I do say so myself.

Anyway, now that I know which Friday in March is good for most of my co-workers, I think I'll schedule another wine-n-cheese party for that night. Two of my friends recently mentioned to me again that they wish I'd have another one because they had such a good time at the one in November. I aim to please, so I'd best get those e-vites sent out soon--before everyone's schedules fill up.
