Breakfast Pizza

During the week, my breakfast usually consists of toast with peanut butter, fruit, and coffee. On the weekends, however, I like to treat myself to something a bit nicer, usually pancakes or waffles. I often make banana pancakes, but I'm a bit tired of them. So today, I decided to use a small pizza shell I had in the freezer and make a banana pizza with it. All I did was slice a banana and lay the slices on the shell. Then I sprinkled it with cinnamon and brown sugar. Finally, I sprinkled a tiny amount of salt on it (salt brings out the flavor of the cinnamon better) and dotted a few little pieces of butter on it. I just microwaved it until the sugar and butter melted, but I'm sure it would've been better if I had baked it. I didn't want to wait that long. It was really good, in any case, and I'll probably make it again.


Foxy Knitter said…
You should try it! It was very tasty. Also, I was reading recently that it's recommended that people with ulcers eat a banana every morning, because there's a protein in bananas that helps coat the esophagus and stomach and protects them against damage from acid.
just me said…
That's good to know! I already eat a banana for breakfast most days. Maybe I won't die of stomach or esophageal cancer after all.
Angie said…
Holly's Mum here..that does sound good .I can't tell you how awful the food is so many people eat here .I love to cook ,nothing fancy as I don't have time but a meal with fresh vegetables ,organic meat etc every night as a family.Holly and I love Pancakes with just lemon and sugar but Jeff is always asking for other toppings I shall try yours .Angie
Foxy Knitter said…
Hi, Angie. Thanks for dropping by! I'm going to have to check out your blog, too. Love your screen name. ;-) I'll be interested to hear if your family likes the banana topping.