Why Are People Willing to Settle for Junk Food?

Last night I was talking with a friend about how a lot of people I know eat nothing but prepackaged junk and never cook for themselves. They'll eat Hamburger Helper but won't make a real lasagna. They'll buy frozen pizza but never eat a fresh homemade salad. They don't eat anything that requires more prep than opening a box and turning on the microwave. I suggested that people are divorced from the kitchen and just don't know how to make food from scratch. My friend also suggested that a lot of people just don't take pleasure in food or eating. They see food as just something to be shoved down the throat at regular intervals in order to support life functions. What a sad way to live! Eating is supposed to be a sensual experience. I love food. I love the taste, smell, and texture. I also love cooking. I enjoy chopping vegetables. I like the heat of the fire and the cooking smells. If you told me that I could never cook again, I don't know if I could go on. Food is life. Food is love. It's meant to be enjoyed.


just me said…
My TV boyfriend always got disgusted whenever one of their challenges had something to do with junk food. He said he didn't want any part of it. Just made him all the more delicious.
Foxy Knitter said…
Good for him! I fully support his stance.
Foxy Knitter said…
HAHAHHAA! You're so right! I've gotten that reaction from people on many occasions. I'll never forget the time Young David expressed wonderment at the fact that I can make bread without the help of a bread machine. Um, people have been making bread for about 10,000 years before the invention of the bread machine.