Long Weekend = Extreme Laziness

I've been looking forward to the Labor Day weekend so I can get some stuff done around the house. So today I got up early, ate a hearty breakfast of grits with raisins and cinnamon, had some coffee to fortify myself, and managed to clean the bathroom, change the bedsheets, and vacuum the cat fur off the floor before calling it a day. It's all too exhausting. *sigh*

I did manage to cook a decent dinner for myself: pork chops with sauteed bell peppers, and green beans with pine nuts and balsamic viniagrette. Before the weekend is over, I want to cook a few more meals so I have supplies for the week. I might also make a pound cake. I have some eggs that are approaching the expiration date, and I refuse to toss them. A pound cake or 2 will use up most of them.

I've gotten a good response for my wine and cheese party so far. Looks like there will be at least 6 of us, and I have high hopes that a few of the undecided people will eventually get on board. My house--it's the place to be!
