Positive Buzz & Weekend Cooking

I've gotten a lot of positive comments from people who attended the WnC party last week. They all say they enjoyed themselves and were glad to have the chance to visit with me outside of work. I'll definitely invite that same group to my holiday potluck in December, and I might invite a few other folks from work, too.

I might have another gathering before December, but I haven't yet decided when or how many people. Maybe I'll do a sit-down dinner for a couple of friends. Of course, there is Thanksgiving to consider. Queen B and I have been taking turns hosting it for a couple of years now. I don't remember whose turn it is. I usually don't see my family on Thanksgiving because I hate to travel that weekend. It's always such a hassle.

In other news, I got the new issue of Everyday Food on Thursday. I'm going to try a recipe for lentil and swiss chard soup for lunch today, except that I'm substituting kale for the chard (the dinky grocery store near me didn't have chard). I'm also going to try their recipe for butternut squash pasta sauce and serve it with cheese tortellini. Finally, I'm going to make the pumpkin-ginger bread recipe. I just about drooled on the page while looking at the picture. I'll let you know how all that turns out.


Foxy Knitter said…
HAHAHHAHAHHAAHA! I do my best, man.