
Yesterday I tried a new recipe, and it was one of the best things I've eaten in ages. It's a Persian-style chicken stew, with pomegranate seeds, cinnamon, and walnuts. It was flavorful and rich and very filling. Peapod had pomegranates on sale this week, so I bought a couple and then searched through my cookbooks looking for a way to use them. I found the stew recipe in my Gourmet Magazine cookbook and thought, "Hmmmm...that's unusual...I bet it'll be good." Was it ever! My mouth is watering just thinking about it. If anyone wants the recipe, just post a comment, and then I'll post the recipe.

I also made some healthier stuff, including a tofu stir-fry, a potato pizza, and a pork tenderloin (a tenderloin has almost no fat on it) with cabbage and carrots, and froze the leftovers. So I'm set for the week! Oh, I also baked a loaf of bread. Now that the weather is cooler I can bake without making my air conditioner run non-stop.

That's all for now. Happy eating!


Foxy Knitter said…
I always chuckle to myself whenever someone says the word "tenderloin," because I worked with a woman at Dairy Queen who pronounced it "tenderline."
Foxy Knitter said…
Yup! Pounded flat, breaded, and deep fried. I like mine with mustard and grilled onions. *drool*