I'm Broke Again, but It Was Worth It

Why am I broke again, you ask? Because I had to buy a new refrigerator. Apparently, the developer of our condo building put used appliances in some of the units. This building was rehabbed 10 years ago, but the refrigerator repair guy informed me that my old fridge was 20 years old, if not older.

So when the motor started going out, there was no other course of action except to get a new fridge. When food is important to you, a properly working refrigerator is of the utmost importance. On the other hand, seeing as how I am a cheapskate, I did put it off another month. But eventually I had to face the inevitable and order a new one. This morning my new fridge was delivered, and I couldn't be more thrilled with it.

It's a couple of inches taller than the old one so the freezer has some more space. And unlike the old one, this fridge is super-quiet. The old one was rattling so loud toward the end that it often woke me up in the middle of the night. With the new one, if the AC is running, I can't even tell if the fridge is on. It's awesome! Je ne regrette rien, mon amis.
