Farmers' Markets Are the Bomb (Do Kids Still Say "The Bomb"?)

I got a pint of the most amazing, fragrant strawberries at the Daley Plaza farmer's market yesterday. And have I worked any culinary magic with them? No. I've just been eating them straight out of the container. They're so wonderful that they don't need anything added to them...although now that I think about it, they'd be great in yogurt for breakfast tomorrow.

Anyway, I also got some mushrooms for a tofu stir-fry for tonight's dinner, and I found out that Three Rivers Kitchen is now selling a spicy version of their highly addictive garlic (crack!) cheese spread. And, I didn't think this was possible, but the spicy crack cheese is approximately 1000% better than the regular crack cheese. That much tasty goodness packed into one small jar is sure to cause a warp in the space-time continuum, I'm convinced. Be afraid people. Be. Very. Afraid.
